See the World Through a New Lens: Smartphone Thermal Cameras

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See the World Through a New Lens: Smartphone Thermal Cameras

Release Time 2022-11-10

See the World Through a New Lens: Smartphone Thermal Cameras

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see the world in thermal color? With the help of a smartphone thermal camera, you can experience the beauty of infrared photography and see nature in a way that you’ve never seen before. Read on to learn more about these amazing cameras and how they capture an image like no other smartphone accessory can.

Why is there a lack of thermal imaging options for smartphones?

Thermal imaging is a great tool for solving home energy problems, but it's not as easy to access as one might think. The problem is that thermal imagers are expensive and bulky, making them difficult to use. Smaller thermal imagers are available but often expensive, costing anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. One of the best ways to save money while doing something good for the environment is by using your smartphone instead of an expensive device like an infrared camera or thermography camera. Smartphone thermal cameras only require an inexpensive infrared filter and are usually compatible with any Android or iOS smartphone with an 8MP or higher camera.

What is a thermal camera?

A thermal camera, also known as an infrared camera, detects electromagnetic energy in the form of heat. In contrast to regular digital cameras that use visible light, a thermal camera allows you to see things that are otherwise invisible, such as people and animals in total darkness. This makes it useful for tasks such as finding lost pets in pitch-blackness or surveilling subjects from afar without being detected.  

For these reasons, smartphone thermal cameras have been popular with law enforcement agencies and personal security enthusiasts. There are many smartphone infrared cameras on the market, but there is no single best smartphone thermal camera—different models offer different features and price ranges. It's important to decide your budget before deciding which smartphone infrared camera is right for you!

Types of thermal cameras

Smartphone infrared cameras have grown in popularity, and many brands can choose from them. There are two types of thermal cameras, one that uses an external infrared sensor and one that uses a built-in infrared sensor on the phone. Smartphones with built-in sensors can take better-quality photos because it can sense heat better than external sensors. External sensors cannot be mounted or used easily because they need to be in contact with an object to measure heat. Some smartphones have thermal camera technology so that you can switch between them depending on your needs.

How Smart Phone Thermal Cameras Work?

Thermal cameras work by capturing heat signatures. Unlike other cameras, thermal cameras can see through smoke and fog to find people in distress or animals that might be hibernating in their dens. The best smartphone thermal camera is easy to use, affordable and portable, so you can take it everywhere. It's also important to consider how many pixels are in the camera and how much detail it captures because a good thermal camera needs high-resolution images to detect subtle temperature differences.

What Can You Do With Smartphone Thermal Camera?

Smartphone thermal cameras have been used for many years to capture high-resolution images of objects. Recently, however, smartphone thermal cameras have been used in new ways.

For example, scientists use them to create detailed models of objects such as rocks and soil on Mars or Venus. These models help scientists understand how these planets formed and evolved over the years.

Sports fans use them during televised games to see if their favorite player has been cheating by using a banned substance. These devices also detect hidden cameras in public restrooms and hotel rooms so that guests can be protected from being robbed or having intimate photos taken without their knowledge or consent.

Thermal imaging is also used by many law enforcement agencies around the world to detect criminals hiding in bushes near highways or busy intersections. In addition, they are used to find people who have been lost in the wilderness and to locate animals that are injured or hiding from predators.

Thermal imaging is also used by some homeowners as an added layer of security in case someone breaks into their home while they're away.

Photography With Smartphone Thermal Cameras

Thermal cameras are not just for professionals. Now you can use your smartphone to capture images with thermal resolution up to 7,200 x 4,800 pixels. The camera is powered by your phone's battery and provides an on-screen live viewfinder, zoom control, and shooting modes such as time-lapse. It also allows you to take pictures while recording video simultaneously.

Best Smartphone Thermal Cameras

Many different types of thermal cameras are available on the market today, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. With so many options available it can be hard to figure out which is the best for your needs and budget. We’ll look at some of the best smartphone thermal cameras on the market today.

MobIR 2S:


The MobIR 2S is a great option for anyone who wants to carry their thermal camera in their pocket. It’s small and lightweight, so you can easily put it in your pocket or backpack and take it anywhere. This makes it perfect for hunting, fishing, wildlife viewing, surveillance, and more! 

It comes with 7mm focus range and has a 256×192 IR resolution. It also has a battery-free design, so you won’t have to worry about recharging it while you’re out in the field!

MobIR 2T:


The MobIR 2T is another great option for anyone who wants a small and lightweight thermal camera to carry with them anywhere. This unit's focus range of 3.2mm comes with 256×192 IR resolution. It also has an adjustable lens to get the perfect angle on any subject matter!  Through a mobile phone app, it can measure temperature in real-time, take pictures, videos, and perform other functions. Whether you're at work, at home, or on an adventure, this device is an all-around best friend. 

Both these cameras are available at Make sure to visit before you buy so you can make the best decision for your needs!

Final Verdict

Smartphone thermal cameras are great for the person who wants to take their first step into the world of IR photography. They are both affordable and easy-to-use, which makes them perfect for beginners. They also come with a range of accessories that will allow you to expand your skills as you become more comfortable using your camera!

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